The overall health and welfare of our cows is of paramount importance to us and we are always working to make sure that each calf, heifer, or mature cow has the proper attention and care. To that end, we work very closely with our veterinarian, our nutritionist, and other animal care professionals to manage the health and welfare of each individual animal.
A licensed veterinarian visits our facilities a minimum of once every week. These routine scheduled appointments allow us to plan for and implement best practices for managing the health and wellness of the entire herd. During these appointments specific groups of cattle are visited for routine health checks and any necessary preventive medicine. Any cattle with a specific medical issue are also seen and treated as needed during these appointments.
Just like a human’s finger and toenails continuously grow, so do cows feet. Proper care and management is extremely important to keeping the cows both healthy and comfortable. Our hoof trimmer is at the farm one day each week to help us trim and care for our herd’s feet. During these routine hoof trimming sessions, a specific group of cows will have their feet examined and trimmed as needed to make sure those cows are standing and walking correctly. Additionally, any cows that show any sign of discomfort when walking are examined and provided with the proper treatment.
Proper nutrition is key to healthy, happy, and productive cows. Our dairy nutritionist visits the farm a minimum of one day each week to test feed, review nutrition plans, and formulate the proper diet for each group of calves, heifers, and cows. Read more about our herd nutrition program here.